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Into Eternity


Eternity is forever. Life is short and uncertain. Things that endure are rare.

“…for ‘All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord remains forever.’ And this word is the good news that was preached to you.” 1 Pt. 1:24-25

Our lives are short in comparison to eternity. We have no guarantees for tomorrow. Our lives can literally end at any time. Car accidents, weather events, deadly illnesses and any number of other things can end our lives at any minute.

As Peter reminds us, there are many things around us that demonstrate the brevity of our lives. The thing is, we have to make the most of the time that we have (Eph. 5:15-16). As we do this, we often turn to setting up a legacy of some sort, something to leave for the generations that follow us.

Eternity is a mind-boggling concept. How do we do something that will endure for eternity? The short answer is that we can never do anything that will last that long. Everything we do will eventually fade from memory. Consider for moment, the lives of your great great grandparents. What do you know of them? How much of their activities are readily remembered?

So then, if we cannot make something that will last forever, is there something that we can be a part of that will last for eternity? Absolutely!

If we are looking to be a part of something that will endure into eternity, the Word of Lord abides forever. Count on it! Obey it! Enjoy the inheritance that will last into eternity! God keeps His promises!!

God bless and have a great day!!

Steve Weeks, minister     steve.weeks@ryliechurchofchrist.org

About Steve Weeks

Minister at Rylie church of Christ


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