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answers, Bible, Bible study, God's Word

Paying attention to God’s Word

MeOn my mind…

I have been thinking the past couple of days about what it means to look to God’s Word for our answers. Searching God’s Word is the title of the internet radio program I attempt to put on, but it is more than just a name, it really is what I want to do. I want my answers to come from the Book.

Now, last night, I had a conversation on Facebook with some other folks about why we do not and why they do something. To avoid the particular topic, let’s leave it at that. The issue I am chewing on is this: do we really want to know what God has to say about anything or are we just seeing in God’s Word the things that support our view? When it comes down to it, God’s Word is the truth, period. It really does not matter what you say or I say about it. Like Him, it IS. So then, the question again is, do I want the truth or do I want to support my actions, choices, etc.? I hope that we are all searching for the truth of God’s Word.

Whenever we see a question about something we do or do not do, do not ask what I think or you think. Ask sincerely, what does God want? The answers are in His book. It is not a smorgasbord for us to pick and choose from, rather it is a covenant arrangement between God and those who choose to engage with Him in that covenant. It is also worth noting that there are actually two major covenant arrangements in the Bible, generally called the Old and New Testaments. We live under the New covenant, not the Old.

Seek God’s Word, but rightly divide it as well (2 Tim. 2:15). Search it daily to see if what you have been told is so (Acts 17:11). After all, there is no where else we can go for eternal life (John 6:68). Thanks for sharing with me today!

About Steve Weeks

Minister at Rylie church of Christ


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